It’s been a long week of reading through all the amazing pitches and our wonderful readers have narrowed the slush, and your game hosts have chosen sixty pitches, along with four pitches saved by our slush readers, for the game. If you’re new to Pitch Madness you can check out the details here and our fantabulous agents here.

Here’s the hosts’ blogs…

(Scroll down to view all 16 picks for my blog or find them in the sidebar to the right.)

Comments are set to moderation so the agent’s won’t see their competitors’ bids. Please no comments other than those from the agents. After the game later on September 10, we’ll release the moderation and let you all comment on the entries.  

Please note: We will email submission details for all requests by the agents. After the contest, agents will make requests to us for the pitches they loved and didn’t not win.
Congratulations to those who’ve made it into the game! For those who haven’t made it, we are hosting a Twitter Pitch Party on September 12 from 8AM to 8PM EDST on the hashtag #PitMad

How do you twitter pitch? You can find all the details here.

A huge thank you to my team! You can check out the teams here.

Categories: Pitch Madness

1 Comment

SM Johnston · September 17, 2013 at 4:07 am

Thank you so much for hosting this and allowing me to be part of it again. You are awesome sauce with a side of amazingness.

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