The winner of the 6-pack of Swoon Romance ebooks is …

Kelley Harvey!!!
*please email me at and give me the email address you’d like me to send your prizes.
pay it forward1
Rachel Russell is hosting the Pay It Forward Giveaway. It’s a monthly giveaway with the fabulous online reader, writer, and blogger community to show their appreciation for their friends and followers support. And I was thrilled to sign up and show my appreciation to you all!  Check out the Twitter hashtag #PIFG for all the gifts being given away.
Here on my blog, I will be giving to one lucky winner a pack of Swoon Romance eBooks from some authors who have been in my contests or who have just been awesome to our community. All you have to do is leave a message in the comments of this post and tell me who you are grateful for meeting in our wonderful community of book lovers. Hurry, I’ll choose a winner on October 3!
Here’s the titles I’m including in the pack…

Good luck, everyone, and remember to spread some niceness today!

Categories: Books


Fiona McLaren · September 30, 2013 at 11:34 pm

Oh gosh, I wish I could narrow it down to just one person! I met my entire critique group (The OffBeats) on twitter, and these are some of the most wonderful people I’ve ever known. I also met my agent through a twitter pitch contest, organized by you, Brenda. So definitely, there is you! I even got to connect with my favourite writer, Tabitha Suzuma. I don’t know how to choose just one person! 🙂 Good luck to everyone who comments! 🙂

    Brenda Drake · October 3, 2013 at 8:01 pm

    I’m so happy you found your agent and connected with your favorite writer here!

Rachel Schieffelbein · October 1, 2013 at 6:03 am

Aw, this is so awesome, Brenda! Great group of books you got there, too. 😉

    Brenda Drake · October 3, 2013 at 8:01 pm

    They all are awesome reads!

lisapostonmurphy · October 1, 2013 at 6:07 am

You! 😉

    Brenda Drake · October 3, 2013 at 8:02 pm

    Thank you – I didn’t pose this question to get so many sweet comments, but so thrilled to hear them!

Niki Moss · October 1, 2013 at 7:34 am

So many people, including you of course, Brenda. One other person in particular who I am very happy I’ve recently met through Pitch Madness is the fabulous Summer Heacock (fizzygrrl)! I adore her blog, she was a HUGE help to me during PitMad, AND she pointed me toward the most amazing Harry Potter themed bracelet on Etsy this week. I ADORE her already. 🙂

    Brenda Drake · October 3, 2013 at 8:05 pm

    Thank you, Niki! And I love Summer, she’s tons of fun!

Kelley Harvey · October 1, 2013 at 12:00 pm

Oh, there are so many folks to be thankful for meeting… Of course, you, Deana Barnhart, and Sharon Bayliss. All the wonderful ladies who make up my CP group, The Off Beats, Lizzy Charles, Katrina Sincek, Fiona McLaren, Abby Cavenaugh, Amy Cavenaugh, and Catherine Scully. Without my CPs I would be lost and alone and my MSs would be in horrific condition. Then there are some awesome ladies who’ve been great CPs and/or beta readers, and have helped me make my books so much better, Rene Gilley, Kelley Lynn, Jessica Salyer, Kristina Martin, Emily Mead, Jessa Russo, Lora Beth Johnson, and Virginia Boecker. Then there are those authors who have so kindly helped me hone my queries, first 250 words, and so forth, Robin Hall, Lauren Spieller, and all my friends from WriteOnCon. And last, but not least, all the people who’ve just been so friendly and welcoming to the writing community, my twitter friends and those I’m friends with on Facebook. YOU GUYS ALL ROCK! And if I’ve forgotten anyone, I’m so sorry, but I promise it doesn’t mean I love you any less. Thanks for the chance to say thank you to these people who’ve enriched my life so much over the last year and a half.

    Brenda Drake · October 3, 2013 at 8:06 pm

    Thank you, I’m honored to be included in your marvelous list. I’m partial to them all too!

Discord · October 2, 2013 at 9:33 am

I’m grateful for meeting so many people. I haven’t met anyone in person *yet* but joining twitter has connected me to so many writers, publishers, editors, agents and more. So many people who are passionate about what they do and inspire me to be passionate as well.

    Brenda Drake · October 3, 2013 at 8:06 pm

    It’s amazing how well writers embrace other writers. Love this community!

Donna · October 2, 2013 at 12:59 pm

Ka-chunk! That’s the sound a record makes when the needle hits a scratch, jumps backward and then repeats what was just sung. Singing your praises, Brenda since your blog and your contests have introduced me to so many wonderful readers and writers, many of whom I’m now connected to via Twitter and whose blogs I follow.

In “real life” I’m grateful for all my mentors who are members of the Greater Vancouver chapter of the Romance Writers of America.

    Brenda Drake · October 3, 2013 at 8:07 pm

    I love your record player – that’s so clever! And thank you! I’m so glad you’ve made connections here.

Natalie · October 3, 2013 at 8:57 am

So I want to say you … because as you will see from the news I’m sharing today on twitter, you and Shelley and Marieke have literally made something possible I didn’t think would ever happen.

But, since many others have said you, I’ll say my amazing CPs — Megan Erickson and Amy Pine. Because truly, I would have given up without them. Or gone crazy. Or cried. Or made bad decision. Or a million things I’ll never be able to thank them enough for preventing.

    Brenda Drake · October 3, 2013 at 8:08 pm

    Thank you, Natalie! CPs really help us to realize our dreams. Without them, our manuscripts would suffer.

Carla Luna Cullen · October 3, 2013 at 11:42 am

I have met so many amazing people in the writing community! People like you, Krista Van Dolzer, Summer Heacock, Dee Romito, and Cupid, who take so much time and energy to host online writing contests. I’ve also met some fantastic beta readers through Twitter, like Michelle Mason and Alex Brown. My CP, Tricia, is awesome and keeps me sane. And I couldn’t forget my fantastic travel/writing buddies from MWW13, like Liz, Amy, Mark, and Nicole.

    Brenda Drake · October 3, 2013 at 8:10 pm

    Thank you, Carla. I love hearing how people connect at conferences too. It really is fun to meet people you’ve only converse with on social media in person.

ashland · October 3, 2013 at 12:00 pm

There’s no one person, but I’ve met a good group of people on writing forums (shout out to ACQ!) and, as a fresh faced newb just completing my first MS, they were exactly what I needed at the time. Unlike so many other online forums, I saw not a single flame war, random insulting, or childish name calling, either on the forums or the way too infectious, keep-me-up-all-night chat room. Instead I found out how to revise, query, write a synopsis, as well as the every-important how to handle rejection. So for all of that, I’m very grateful. Let’s go ACQ!

    Brenda Drake · October 3, 2013 at 8:11 pm

    I love ACQ, Ashland, I was part of writing group on it when I first started out. They all are so helpful!

Martha Mayberry · October 3, 2013 at 2:14 pm

Twitter was just a word for me before your pitch contests, but I reluctantly signed up so I could enter. Since then, I’ve met tons of new friends, read multiple fantastic blogs, and learned how to improve my writing so I actually stand a chance of being published sometime in the future. Thanks, Brenda, for the wonderful opportunities you give writers through your blog posts and online presence.

    Brenda Drake · October 3, 2013 at 8:12 pm

    I’m so glad you made the jump into Twitter, Martha! It really is a great source in meeting like minded writers.

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