Book Description:

What you don’t know can kill you . . .

Ever since she could remember, Elle has had to hop from town to town to keep up with her dad’s demanding career as a corporate insurance agent. Each time, a reoccurring nightmare followed her wherever she went–until the day that the frightening figures haunting her at night became all too real. When news of a serial killer spreads throughout her new school, Elle worries that the Reaper has been leaving her his calling card in the form of cigarette butts on her doormat and an unusual ribbon in her locker. With the help of Brian, a boy she meets at a flea market, she discovers that this isn’t her first encounter with the murderer and that her father has been concealing her true identity for the past twelve years. But despite her father’s desperate attempts to protect her, Elle still comes face to face with the darkness she has been running from her whole life. Trapped in the woods and with help hundreds of miles away, will Elle be able to confront the Reaper and reclaim the life she lost?


“Ms. Lindsey crafts an exquisite tale that kicked my adrenaline up with every turn of the page. Deceived is stunning and more than a little scary. From the first page, I had to know what happens next, while at the same time, I had to know what happened before. As Elle’s life unravels, the reader will feel just as raw and betrayed as she does.” –Gwen Hayes, author of Falling Under

Micro Excerpt:

“It’s like in a scary movie when the maniacal music begins, but you don’t see the danger. You just know something’s wrong, and you’re afraid for the girl. In my dream, I’m the girl.” – DECEIVED

Tag lines: Fear the Reaper
Tag lines: What you don’t know CAN kill you…

Links to find Julie Anne Lindsey online:

Julie Anne Lindsey’s Author site:
Blog: Musings from the Slush Pile
Twitter: @JulieALindsey

The amazeballs trailer from those amazing Kent State Students:

YA Bound Blog Tour running September 16th-21st with FIVE prize packages available. This is the link to the tour info and schedule:

Julie anne Lindsey’s “Inspiration Board” on Pinterest for this book:

Categories: Books


Meredith · September 16, 2013 at 7:42 am

How fun! Sounds like a great creepy, fall read. 🙂

Angela Brown · September 16, 2013 at 2:58 pm

Sounds like a really creepy read at this perfect time of the year for all things scary. Eek lol!!

Misha Gericke · September 17, 2013 at 6:25 am

Deceived sounds awesome! And I love the cover.

Sonia Hartl · September 20, 2013 at 6:53 am

This sounds awesome! Will be picking this one up for sure!

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