The Pitch Madness submission window will be open for 24 hours on August 24!

Pitch Madness is a contest to win a request from one or more of the participating agents. We have 15 agents signed up to compete for your pitches. I will have an agent introduction post on August 21! Here are the fabulous agents participating:

  • Jessica Sinsheimer (@jsinsheim) with Sarah Jane Freymann Literary
  • Melissa Jeglinski (@MJeglinski) with The Knight Agency
  • Carlie Webber (@carliebeth) with CK Webber Associates
  • Jodell Sadler (@picturebklunch) with Sadler-Caravette Children’s Literary
  • Terrie Wolf (@AKA_Terrie) with AKA Literary Management

The submission window will be open from 12:01 AM EST on August 24 until 11:59PM EST. You should have plenty of time to get your submissions in. There is no limit of how many entries will be accepted. So basically everyone who sends in an entry during the submission window, will make it into the first round of slush readers. Please note: All entries sent before or after the allotted times will be deleted.

There will be 60 finalists moving onto the agent round. Pitch Madness will accept Middle Grade, Young Adult, New Adult, and Adult completed fiction, novel length (no novellas) manuscripts only. This time around we will not accept non-fiction. Only one entry per writer this round. 
What do you need to enter? A 35-word (max) pitch and the first 250 words of your finished manuscript. If the 250th word falls in the middle of a sentence go to the end of the sentence. I will post formatting instructions before the submission window opens, along with the email address to send your entries to.

We have two rounds of slush readers before the final host picking round. Our readers are so awesome!

Pitch Madness will be on four blogs and each blog host will have a co-host helping her choose their top 15 entries. I will have a post up following the Teen Eyes Editorial contest to introduce the hosts, co-hosts, and slush readers.

Here are the links to the participating blogs with their teams:

Team Slush Readers: 

  • KT Hanna
  • Tonya Kuper
  • Lindsey Sprague
  • Rebecca Weston

Team Slush Readers: 
  • Heather Webb
  • Phil Siegel
  • Sarah Henning
  • Lizzy Charles

Team Slush Readers: 
  • Dahlia Adler (Slush Coordinator)
  • Brianna Shrum
  • Mina Vaughn
  • Feaky (Tamara) Snucker

    Team Slush Readers: 

    • Sarah Blair
    • Catherine Scully
    • JA Ward
    • Dannie Morin

    Here’s the schedule …

    • Slush Readers Introduction on August 19
    • Hosts and their teams Introduction on August 20
    • Agent Introduction on August 21
    • Rules of the Game on August 22
    • Submission window will be on August 24 open for 24 hours 
    • The first slush round will be August 25-28
    • The second slush round will be August 29-Sept. 2
    • The final round will be Sept. 3 – 5 (host and co-hosts)
    • The top 60 picks for the agent round will go up on the blogs on Sept. 6 at 8AM EDT (NY time)
    • Sept. 10 at 12PM EDT (Noon) the agents requests are revealed, and right afterward is the tying agents challenge round.
    • There will be a #PitMad Twitter Pitch Party on September 12 from 8AM to 8PM EST.

    That’s it for now. Come back next week to meet the slush readers, hosts, and agents!

      Categories: Pitch Madness


      Meradeth Houston · August 13, 2013 at 7:57 am

      Thanks for the information–I’m excited!! 🙂

      Sally Spratt · August 14, 2013 at 2:48 pm

      Sounds exciting. Can’t wait!!!!

      Patrice Caldwell · August 14, 2013 at 9:57 pm

      Woohoo! I’ve got a newly polished MS so I’m excited, it was so fun last time!!!

      Annie Rains · August 15, 2013 at 6:13 am

      Yay! So excited!

      Stephsco · August 15, 2013 at 9:01 am

      I will spread the word!

      Carrie-Anne · August 16, 2013 at 7:50 am

      Seeing as this is a Saturday, I’ll probably be one of the last entries to get in. At least it’s all day Saturday, so I’ll still have a few hours where I can use the computer at the very end of the day.

      Wendy Parris · August 17, 2013 at 5:29 am

      Brenda, wondering about word count for submissions. Does “twelve-year-old” count as three words (as it does for some reason in Pages) or one??

      Megan Reyes · August 19, 2013 at 9:39 pm

      This sounds like a lot of fun! Can’t wait **busts out some happy dance moves**

      Angelina Barbin · August 20, 2013 at 9:49 am

      This sounds fun!

      Kelly deVos · August 20, 2013 at 10:46 pm

      So excited!

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