Today is the release of Leigh Ann Kopan’s ONE and I’m thrilled for her! The premise sounds so amazing. I’m offering a free eBook to celebrate. All you have to do is tell us who you’d want to share a super power with and what power would that be? I’ll pick a winner on Monday, June 17.

The winner of the eBook copy by is Nicole Zoltack. Congratulations! Please email me your email address at

Here’s all the details about Leigh Ann and the book… 

Praise for One

One balances a fully imagined, super world with deep, well-crafted characters and took me on a heart pounding, heartbreakingly authentic journey I hated to see end.

~Trisha Leigh, author of The Last Year series


“Exciting, edgy, romantic and beautifully written, ONE is a book from an incredible new writing talent that will leave you longing for more!” 
  ~Emma Pass, author of Acid (Random House 2013) and the upcoming The Fearless (Random House 2014)


“I opened One and didn’t put it down. On the surface it’s a fast-paced superhero story combined with all the wonderful and terrible aspects of teenage life, but beneath that is the story of a girl who only wants to be more than she is. It’s a fun adventure cloaking a simple but powerful truth of the human condition.”

~Francesca Zappia, author of the upcoming Ask Again Later(Greenwillow/HarperCollins 2014)

 LeighAnn Kopans
Leigh Ann Kopans’s Biography

Raised on comic books and classic novels, Leigh Ann developed an early love of science fiction and literature. After earning degrees in Sociology and Hebrew, she went on to become a rabbi at The Ohio State University. Surrounded by college students, she found her niche writing science fiction and romance for teens.

Leigh Ann, her husband, and four children live in Columbus, Ohio, which sadly lacks superheroes but does have the best football and fabulous ice cream.


ONE’s Summary: 

When having two powers makes you a Super and having none makes you a Normal, having only one makes you a sad half-superpowered freak.

It makes you a One.

Sixteen-year-old Merrin Grey would love to be able to fly – too bad all she can do is hover.

If she could just land an internship at the Biotech Hub, she might finally figure out how to fix herself. She busts her butt in AP Chem and salivates over the Hub’s research on the manifestation of superpowers, all in hopes of boosting her chances.

Then she meets Elias VanDyne, another One, and all her carefully crafted plans fly out the window. Literally. When the two of them touch, their Ones combine to make them fly, and when they’re not soaring over the Nebraska cornfields, they’re busy falling for each other.

Merrin’s mad chemistry skills land her a spot on the Hub’s internship short list, but as she gets closer to the life she always wanted, she discovers that the Hub’s purpose is more sinister than it has always seemed. Now it’s up to her to decide if it’s more important to fly solo, or to save everything – and everyone – she loves.

Buy it …
Categories: Books


Angela Brown · June 11, 2013 at 7:58 pm

That sounds awesome! I suppose if I had to be a One, it would be to become a human watermark then connect with another human watermark so we can appear and disappear together when we touch. I’d really prefer if that other person were Johnny Depp 🙂

Nicole · June 12, 2013 at 6:10 pm

Controlling thoughts, bending people to your will…that would be an ideal superpower. Used only for good, of course. I’d share the superpower my cat.

    StephB · June 13, 2013 at 7:07 pm

    Don’t cats already have that superpower? 😉

LoriMarie LaSpada · June 12, 2013 at 6:11 pm

I’d like to share a power to cool the earth down to stop global warming. Ian Somerholder would be my partner.

    StephB · June 13, 2013 at 7:06 pm

    LoriMarie – Ian Somerhalder….mmmmmmm! ;D

caughtbetweenthepages · June 12, 2013 at 6:44 pm

I’ve always wanted to fly . . but maybe being able to time travel with my partner would be fun! Hmm . . Maybe my best friend, so we can have plenty of adventures together that way!

Suzi · June 12, 2013 at 8:08 pm

I would love to teleport. And be able to take people along of course. And I suppose I’d better say my husband so we could do some fun traveling. Although my best friend would be a close second. 🙂

Congratulations Leigh Ann! · June 12, 2013 at 9:58 pm

I’d like to be able to fly, and I think I’d want to share it with my preschool son so I could show him the view from up there. (Sappy? Sure thing!)

Nicole Zoltack · June 12, 2013 at 11:58 pm

I would love to have super speed so I can get all of my chores done and still have time for my family and to write! And I would share it with hubby. 🙂 I’m so excited for One!

fuzzymango · June 13, 2013 at 1:42 am

Eeeeeee so excited for Leigh Ann! As for a superpower, I’d love to share the power of telepathy with my sisters—we kind of have it already (sometimes). 🙂 Thank you for the giveaway, Brenda!

Meradeth Houston · June 13, 2013 at 7:34 am

Holy frick, this sounds amazing! And that cover is amazing! Okay, I have no idea who I’d want to share a superpower with, but off the top of my head, probably my sister 🙂

Lynn Buchanan · June 13, 2013 at 4:47 pm

I want to read this book sooo bad! 😀 Concerning a superpower, I’d want to be able to see from every perspective. As in, be able to see from a bird’s eye view with a blink, and a worm’s view with another blink. See everything from all angles. And I’d probably share my power with my best friend.

tfwalsh · June 13, 2013 at 6:21 pm

One sounds like such a great book… congrats on the launch. Love the cover too.

StephB · June 13, 2013 at 7:05 pm

Oh, gosh – ONE superpower? 😉
I might like to be invincible, and share it with my kids! (and maybe my husband, if he was nice!) ;p

And seriously, who designed that cover? That’s amazing.

StephB · June 13, 2013 at 7:08 pm

AND, I want to know – where and how does she get her hair done? I LOVE the blue and purple in it! 🙂

Finn Felton · June 16, 2013 at 11:33 pm

I want to read this book desperately ! Concerning a superpower, I’d want to be able to see from every perspective.

Finn Felton

Kopi Luwak

Jen McConnel · June 17, 2013 at 6:20 am

Can’t wait to read this! I’d want the ability to quickly and safely travel anywhere, and I do mean anywhere: underwater, into space, wherever the fancy strikes! I guess I want teleportation with special breathing abilities, and I’d share it with my hubby so he could see everything with me.

Chrystal Schleyer · June 17, 2013 at 6:30 am

Oooh, I think teleport would be my superpower and I’d share it with my husband so he’d have to come with me to when we’d teleport to visit my mother. Bwahaha. Okay, and so we could travel the world together 🙂

Jennifer Malone · June 17, 2013 at 6:42 am

Definitely teleport- today feels like a very nice day for banana pancakes in Bali, a quick safari and then dinner in Paris. Just saying.

Rachel Schieffelbein · June 17, 2013 at 11:19 am

If my husband and I could teleport, that would be awesome. Or maybe me and my best friend, actually. The hubby isn’t so big on travel. 😛

vbtremper · June 18, 2013 at 7:24 am

Wow, this sounds really cool! Best of luck Leigh Ann! Hi Brenda, it’s been a while. Hope you’re great!


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