Winners announced!!!

The winner of her choice of eBook or print of MY SISTER’S REAPER by Dorothy Dreyer is:

Donna Hole
The winner of her choice of eBook or print copy of PRAEFATIO by Georgia McBride is:

Winners please email me at and let me know your preference and/or your mailing address or email address to send your book.
I’m celebrating the print release of two Month9Books with a giveaway! Two winners will receive their choice of eBook or Print book of either MY SISTER’S REAPER by Dorothy Dreyer or PRAEFATIO by Georgia McBride. All you have to do is say which one you’d like to enter for and answer the corresponding question in the comments of this post. You may enter twice – one for each book.

MY SISTER’S REAPER‘s question: If you could save a loved one, but they wouldn’t be the same afterward, would you?

PRAEFATIO‘s question: I had an interview on my blog recently with Georgia McBride, go find it and tell me why she wouldn’t want to take a vacation at a cabin in the woods.

That’s it – easy peasy! I’ll draw winners next Tuesday, June 25.

There’s bragging, there’s trying to impress a boy, and then there’s Sixteen-year-old Zadie. Zadie’s first mistake was telling the boy she’s crushing on that she could bring her dead sister back to life. Her second mistake? Actually doing it! When Zadie accidentally messes with the Reaper’s Rite that should have claimed her sister Mara, things go horribly wrong (you think?). Mara isn’t the same anymore—Zadie isn’t even sure she’s completely human, and to top it off, a Reaper is determined to collect Mara’s soul no matter what. Now Zadie must figure out how to defeat her sister’s Reaper, intent on claiming both girls, or let Mara die … this time for good.


Seventeen-year-old Grace Ann Miller is no ordinary runaway. After missing for weeks, Grace is found on the estate of international rock star Gavin Vault, half-dressed and yelling for help. Over the course of twenty-four hours Grace holds an entire police force captive with incredulous tales of angels, demons, and war; intent on saving Gavin from lockup, and her family from worry over her safety. But instead, authorities believe that Grace is ill, and suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, the victim of assault and a severely fractured mind. Undeterred, Grace reveals the secret existence of dark angels on earth, an ancient prophecy and a wretched curse steeped in Biblical myth. Grace’s claims set into motion an ages-old war, resulting in blood, death and the loss of everything that matters. But are these the delusions of an immensely sick girl, or could Grace’s story actually be true? Praefatio is Grace’s account of weeks on the run, falling in love and losing everything but her faith. Who do you believe?
Categories: Books


rosemond cates · June 18, 2013 at 12:00 pm

I would always save a loved one if given the opportunity!
(I would love a print copy of either book!!)
rosemond22 AT aol dot com

Rachel Desilets · June 18, 2013 at 2:53 pm

MY SISTER’S REAPER’s Answer: It depends on how different. Do I know the difference beforehand? Would they come back with a bloodlust? Or in the form of a zombie that I would later have to kill before they infect anyone else? Or would they simply not remember me? If they wouldn’t remember me, but could still live a happy and whole life, I think I would have to do it – but I would be hugely torn over it.

PRAEFATIO’s answer: The Blair Witch – though I think also saying “Cabin in the Woods” is a perfectly legitimate reason too 😉

Thanks, Brenda!

Jessie Harrell · June 18, 2013 at 5:44 pm

Georgia doesn’t like the woods because of The Blair Witch!

My Sister’s Reaper: No. If the little things that make you love someone are gone, what would be the point?

Angelica R. Jackson · June 18, 2013 at 8:07 pm

My sister’s reaper; and no I wouldn’t–didn’t we learn anything from Pet Cemetery???

Donna Hole · June 18, 2013 at 11:50 pm

I like My Sister’s Reaper. And no, I don’t think I’d save my loved one if they were changed. The person I loved would be gone, and I might not like the new person.


Laura Rueckert · June 19, 2013 at 5:25 am

I’d love a copy of MY SISTER’S REAPER by Dorothy Dreyer. For me, it would also depend on how someone changes. If they become evil/mean/violent, I wouldn’t bring them back. If they changed in minor ways, then sure. People grow and change their entire lives. My loved ones aren’t the same people now as they were ten years ago, but that doesn’t mean I love them less.

Meradeth Houston · June 19, 2013 at 8:41 am

I’d love a copy of Praefatio, though I’d definitely avoid the Blair Witch 🙂

rachaeldahl · June 20, 2013 at 8:30 pm

I’ve recently lost a loved one to cancer and am in the processing of losing another one to the same disease. I want to say that I would bring them back, unequivocally, but seeing how the cancer changed them into someone else, I’d say no. I want the person who I grew to love to be the person they were.

If I’m chosen, I would prefer a copy of My Sister’s Reaper.

Veronica Bartles · June 21, 2013 at 6:51 am

My Sister’s Reaper answer: No, I wouldn’t bring back a loved one if it meant changing them. It’s not the body, but who they are inside, that I love. So bringing the body back without the essence of who they really are wouldn’t be bringing them back at all.

Praefatio answer: Georgia mentioned the Blair Witch Project. I guess it’s a good thing that I never saw that movie (it is a movie, right?), because I’m definitely a cabin-in-the-woods kind of girl! 🙂

Meredith · June 25, 2013 at 8:08 am

My Sister’s Reaper-I think it would depend on what different means. If the person could live a happy life, maybe just without me in it, I would. But if different means something that would make them unhappy, or something they wouldn’t want to become….(think Elena on TVD) then no. It would be too selfish at that point.

This sounds like a great read!

Meredith · June 25, 2013 at 8:13 am

Praefatio- Blair Witch! And I get it. I only made it through half the movie with my eyes closed the entire time and then I left with one friend and snuck into something else. Wish I could remember what I saw instead. I think I was too freaked out to enjoy it though LOL!

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