I’m so excited to be a part of Lisa Gail Green‘s cover reveal for THE BINDING STONE available this April. It’s so beautiful! The cover was done by cover artist and fellow writer, Lisa Amowitz.

And you you know I’ll be giving away copies when it releases, so come back in April for a giveaway. Until then, like THE BINDING STONE on Goodreads!

From Goodreads:  

Tricked into slavery by the man she loved, the Djinni Leela has an eternity to regret her choices.

Awakened in the prison of her adolescent body, she finds a new master in possession of the opal that binds her. But seventeen-year-old Jered is unlike any she’s seen. His kindness makes Leela yearn to trust again, to allow herself a glimmer of hope.

Could Jered be strong enough to free her from the curse of the Binding Stone?

My Photo 
Lisa Gail Green

Check out Lisa’s blog Paranormal Point of View.
And follow her on twitter: @lisagailgreen

Categories: Books


Lisa Gail Green · March 11, 2013 at 7:40 am

Thank you!!!

    Brenda Drake · March 11, 2013 at 9:57 pm

    I just love this cover! Can’t wait to read it!

Shelley Watters · March 11, 2013 at 10:58 am

Gorgeous cover, and the story sounds amazing. And since I’ve read other work by you before (what ever happened with that one, btw?!?) I KNOW it’s amazing 🙂 Congrats!!!

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