The agent round for Pitch Madness starts tomorrow. If you aren’t sure what Pitch Madness is, check out this post or this post for information. Each team has picked their top pitches to go onto the agent round. For a list of agents competing in the game, go to this post.  
It was such a difficult decision to pick our final entries, and there were many talented writers we couldn’t choose. A total of 407 pitches came into the contest email, and only sixty-four made it to the agent round. 
The road to publication is at times a heartbreaking journey, but it’s the small accomplishments like making it into a contest that helps lighten the heartache. Our writing community amazes me at every turn. We lift each other up in times of sorrow, cheer for each other during times of accomplishments, and laugh together during frustrating moments. I hope you will all join me in cheering on the writers who’ve made it into this contest.  
“Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.” ~Harriet Stowe~

GAME rules

Starting on March 26 at 8AM EST through 12PM EST on March 28  the agents will go around the host blogs, read the entries, and make their dart hits (bids) for the pitches they want to read more of. (See the rankings below for a list of dart hits – request types.)
Here’s the participating blogs’ urls (I’ll have the urls posted on my site to make it easier to hop between them):
A dart hit is placing a bid for a pitch (see Dart Ranking below) in the comments of that entry’s post. The agents have a limited amount of hits for each request type (partials, fulls, and trumps). The comments will be set to moderation so the agents won’t see what the other agents’ hits are until the reveal day.
March 28 is reveal day. We’ll post all the comments and reveal the winning bids starting at 12:01 PM EST. The best hit wins the bid for that entry. We will @ the agents on Twitter with the results. You all can watch the game on the hashtag #PitchMadness.
What happens with ties, you ask? Well, that’s where it gets tricky!


While placing their bids, agents will have to save some dart hits or trumps for the challenge round. If there are ties, the agents will be asked to go back to that entry with their competitor to make another shot against him/her. The best dart hit trumps the other and wins the bid for that pitch.
This is where the agents must come up with a strategy on what hits or trumps to use for the first round and which ones to save for the challenge round.
The challenge round starts after the reveal and if there are tying hits. We’ll announce the pitches that tied on the hashtag #PitchMadness and @ the tying agents on Twitter. Agents will then go to the entry post and “throw” another dart in the comments. Each challenge will continue until there is a winner or until all but one player is eliminated (runs out of dart hits and trumps for that pitch). Best dart hit wins!


Dart Rankings

Dart hit:             Number of hits:

    20                            10                           Query & 1st 5 pages

    19                            10                           Query & 1st 10 pages

    18                             10                           Query & 1st 25 pages

    17                             10                           Query & 1st 50 pages

    16                             5                              Query & 1st 75 pages

    15                             5                              Query & 1st 100 pages

    Double Line             5                              Query & 1st 150 pages

    Triple Line               2                              Trumps all Partials

    Outer Bull                3                              Full Request

    BULLSEYE             1                              Trumps all hits       

 (Blogger is not my friend – I’ve tried to line these up the best I could.)

Tomorrow we’ll post the sixty-four (64) entries on all four blogs that made it into the arena with the agents!

And don’t forget we’re hosting a Twitter Pitch Party, so get your twitter pitches ready!

For more information and rules for the Twitter Pitch Party go to this post!

Categories: Pitch Madness


Rachel Bates · March 25, 2013 at 6:57 am

Okay, so just to make sure I understand this correctly…the “Dart hit” column is what the agent will write in the comment box, and “Number of hits” is how many of each type an agent gets? So, if an agent writes “20” in my comment box, I’ve had a request for query and 5 pages?

So excited for tomorrow! 🙂

    Brenda Drake · March 25, 2013 at 7:52 am

    I’m so glad you got it! I’m excited too!

    Rachel Bates · March 25, 2013 at 8:08 am

    Awesome – thank you! 🙂

Andrew · March 25, 2013 at 7:57 am

Makes sense to me! Good luck to all the entries!

JamieKate · March 25, 2013 at 8:01 am

This comment has been removed by the author.

Kelly · March 25, 2013 at 8:16 am

Can’t wait!! 🙂 Very excited to read all of the pitches.

sagelikethespice · March 25, 2013 at 8:49 am

So the authors won’t get to see the bids until Thursday afternoon either, right? Just checking whether it’s worth constantly refreshing on Tues and Wed. 😉

    Brenda Drake · March 25, 2013 at 8:56 am


    sagelikethespice · March 25, 2013 at 1:29 pm

    Cool, so tomorrow we can just look forward to reading all the pitches 😀

jdspero · March 25, 2013 at 1:30 pm

I’m so green. But – am I missing something? Have the 64 entry titles been posted somewhere already? Or have the chosen entrants been notified?

jdspero · March 25, 2013 at 2:46 pm

LOL I saw that…but when I saw this…
I thought I missed something?

    johnlucashargis · March 25, 2013 at 3:02 pm

    That is a regarding a spin-off opportunity that ANYONE can participate in. Here’s a blurb from one of Brenda’s previous posts:

    And, if you don’t make it into Pitch Madness we’re holding another Twitter Pitch Party on March 29. So get your 140 word pitch ready and make sure the word count includes the hashtag #PitMad and category (YA, Adult, MG, NA, and so on). Tweet your pitch when you see an agent come on but don’t do it too obsessively. The agents will read the feed.

jdspero · March 25, 2013 at 3:03 pm

Okay. Thank you! Good luck to everyone!

Big Name Brand · August 30, 2013 at 2:51 am

I can see that you are putting a lot of time and effort into your site and
detailed articles! I am deeply in love with every single piece of information you post here

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