The winners for the three copies of A SHIMMER OF ANGELS by are:

Kim Kasch
Veronica Bartles

Please email me at and let me know if you’d like a Kindle or Nook ebook or paperback (US & Canada only) make sure to include the address for delivery if you choose a paperbook.

If you didn’t win a copy, you can find A SHIMMER OF ANGELS by Lisa M. Basso at,, or any other places where fantastic books are sold. Or visit Lisa‘s blog for more information on how to win swag and books on the tour here. Hurry, there’s only 3 days left!

Month9Books,a publisher of speculative fiction for teens and tweens, announces the release of A SHIMMER OF ANGELS, a debut young adult title from Lisa M. Basso. 
Sixteen-year-old Rayna sees angels, and has the medication and weekly therapy sessions to prove it. Now, in remission, Rayna starts fresh at a new school, lands a new job, and desperately tries for normalcy. She ignores signs that she may be slipping into the world she has tried so hard to climb out of. But these days, it’s more than just hallucinations that keep Rayna up at night. Students are dying, and she may be the only one who can stop it. Can she keep her job, her sanity, and her friends from dying at the hands of angels she can’t admit to seeing?
Author of THE IRON WITCH, Karen Mahoney, says, “A SHIMMER OF ANGELS has a courageous heroine who finds herself in the middle of two gorgeous angels, a fascinating world, and a story that builds to an exciting climax – I’ll be looking forward to more from Lisa M. Basso!”
Categories: Books

1 Comment

Kim Kasch · February 12, 2013 at 4:41 pm

WHOO-HOO!!! I’m so excited. I’ve got a kindle. 😀 Looking forward to reading this 😀

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