We have the winners for the love scene workshop. Check for your name on the list below. If you’ve made it into the workshop, please email your love scene immediately to brendadrakecontests@gmail.com by January 22 at 6PM EST. The first love scenes will go up on the blog on February 12.

Here’s how to format your email …

SUBJECT LINE: February Workshop

TITLE: The working title
GENRE:The genre


The love scene. 300 words max. Single spaced. No indentions. One space between paragraphs. 12pt. Times New Roman. Keep it PG13 (cut it off at 3rd base).


And the winners …  

Adrianne Russell             
Adrienne Proctor            
Angi Black           
Axie Oh               
Barb Taub           
Connie Michael
El (tangynt)        
Eleni Alexandraki            
Emmy Neal        
Gwen Cole         
Heather (heathercq)     
Jenilyn Tolley    
Jessika Curry     
Kate Brauning   
Katie Teller        
Krista J. McLaughlin        
Kristina Pérez   
Laurie Litwin      
Leila Rheaume 
Linda Acorn Budzinski   
Lori A. Goldstein              
Meradeth Houston Snow            
Michelle Pierce
Nikki Urang        
Patricia Moussatche
Rachel Desilets 
Ruby Brown      
Sarah Marie (zuzu)         
Steph (pictorialpoet
Stephanie Sauvinet
Talynn Lynn       
Theresa Fuller
Tracy Woodward             
Veronica Bartles              
Veronica Park   

And now the winners of the free pass into March’s PITCH MADNESS. Should winners  decide to participate in March’s Pitch Madness, they will get to bypass the submission windows into PITCH MADNESS  and go directly into the first round with the slush readers for the event. 

The free passes chosen by Random.org will go to …

El (tangynt)
Katie Teller
Veronica Bartles
Adrienne Proctor
Eleni Alexandraki

I will send you instructions in the confirmation reply of your love scene submission.

Congratulations, you all! Come back January 23-24 and check out all the fun for PITCH WARS!!!

Categories: Workshops


Katie Teller · January 20, 2013 at 9:40 am

Sweet!!! I won both! That NEVER happens!!! Thanks Brenda this is very exciting!

Adrianne Russell · January 20, 2013 at 10:03 am

Thanks so much for this!

Rachel Schieffelbein · January 20, 2013 at 10:54 am

Congratulations winners! I look forward to reading the workshop entries. 🙂

Krista McLaughlin · January 20, 2013 at 11:50 am

Thanks so much! I am very excited for get some input! Congrats to all of the other winners too! 🙂

meradeth · January 20, 2013 at 11:57 am

yay! Super excited! Thank you!

thebnc · January 21, 2013 at 2:45 pm

Oh my gosh! Thank you so much! This is awesome! More exclamation points!!!

Ink in the Book · January 21, 2013 at 4:12 pm

I’m on the list? Yayhoo! I’m sending my entry tonight…

Veronica Bartles · January 21, 2013 at 5:19 pm

Yay! I’m so excited! I had a hard time trying to pick the scene to submit for this contest, but I kind of love this one best of all, so… 🙂

vbtremper · January 21, 2013 at 6:35 pm

Wow, look at all those lucky winners! Congrats (and good luck) to all!


Debbie Causevic · January 22, 2013 at 9:54 am

Exciting. Can’t wait to read all the posted submissions. You always come up with the best ideas, Brenda!

Eleni · January 23, 2013 at 7:50 am

I can’t wait! It’ll be there shortly!

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