I’m thrilled to host an exciting new book on my blog today, A SHIMMER OF ANGELS by Lisa M. Basso. This book is so hot you can’t pass it up! I have a fun interview with bad boy Kade and giveaways. Sign up on the Rafflecopter below to win some awesome book swag during the blog tour. There will be daily winners!  

Also, answer the question at the end of Kade’s interview for a chance to win one of three books (paper or kindle book, your choice).

Psychiatry, fantasy and real life come together in A Shimmer of Angels, as a young girl struggles with identity, secrets, and confronting her greatest fears. A Shimmer of Angels is for anyone who has ever felt like an outsider, or perhaps has felt like giving up entirely. It touches on themes of suicide, ostracism and emotional pain. The author, personally exposed to suicide through the death of a beloved family member, will donate a percentage of sales of this novel to a suicide prevention and outreach program in San Francisco, California. 
Month9Books,a publisher of speculative fiction for teens and tweens, announces the release of A SHIMMER OF ANGELS, a debut young adult title from Lisa M. Basso. 
Sixteen-year-old Rayna sees angels, and has the medication and weekly therapy sessions to prove it. Now, in remission, Rayna starts fresh at a new school, lands a new job, and desperately tries for normalcy. She ignores signs that she may be slipping into the world she has tried so hard to climb out of. But these days, it’s more than just hallucinations that keep Rayna up at night. Students are dying, and she may be the only one who can stop it. Can she keep her job, her sanity, and her friends from dying at the hands of angels she can’t admit to seeing?
Author of THE IRON WITCH, Karen Mahoney, says, “A SHIMMER OF ANGELS has a courageous heroine who finds herself in the middle of two gorgeous angels, a fascinating world, and a story that builds to an exciting climax – I’ll be looking forward to more from Lisa M. Basso!”



Lisa M. Basso was born and raised in San Francisco, California. She is a lover of books, video games, animals, and baking (not baking with animals though). As a child she would crawl into worlds of her own creation and get lost for hours. Her love for YA fiction started with a simple school reading assignment: S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders. When not reading or writing she can usually be found at home with The Best Boyfriend that Ever Lived ™ and her two darling (and sometimes evil) cats, Kitties A and B. Lisa M. Basso is available for quotes, signings, video or podcast appearances, and all opportunities relative to A SHIMMER OF ANGELS.  

A SLITHER OF HOPE, Book 2 in the ANGEL SIGHT series will be available from Month9Books in February 2014!


Month 9 Books is a publisher of speculative fiction for teens and tweens… where nothing is as it seems. Month9Books will donate proceeds from each of its annual charity anthologies to a deserving charity. Individually, authors may donate his or her advances and royalties to a charitable organization. Month9Books will also release 10-12 non-charitable titles annually. A SHIMMER OF ANGELS is Month9Books’s first Young Adult release. Month9Books is distributed by Small Press United, a division of IPG. You may visit www.month9books.com for more information.



A SHIMMER OF ANGELS GIVEAWAY. Each day of the tour will feature the giveaway of an A SHIMMER OF ANGELS messenger bag with a signed copy of A SHIMMER OF ANGELS and A SHIMMER OF ANGELS stainless water bottle, journal, keychain and postcard pack included in the bag. This is a US & Canada Only giveaway.  

Sign up on the Rafflecopter for a chance to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Interview with bad boy, Kade

So, Kade, we all love the bad boy and can’t get enough of their evil ways, tell me what attracts you to Rayna?

  • At first, nothing. The girl is clumsy, timid, and completely unhinged. But she manages to look good while doing it. The more I got to know her–something I haven’t done with a human in a long time–I realized there was more to her than the typical surface junk. She’s smart–most of the time–strong-willed, and a genuinely good person. She’s got that…spark you don’t find in a lot of people.

What do you like most about Rayna?

  • She doesn’t take any of my crap. First it was infuriating, now it’s kinda hot.

What do you like least about Rayna?

  • There’s this little tiny issue about her biology. First she’s human. It can be dangerous for a Fallen to spend too much time with humans. Second, it’s weird that I knew her mother. Plus she’s young. Too young. Damn. On paper this girl’s a nightmare. Time for another question.

What’s your relationship with Cam? What do you think about him? 

  • Camael is a pompous, self-righteous hypocrite with a need to please and blindly follow orders. Once, a long–and I do mean long–time ago, he and I were practically brothers. It’s safe to say we had a falling out. Ha! Falling. Get it? 

Is there something in your past that makes you so deliciously bad? What’s the story?

  • Uh, Falling? Yeah, it’s bad. I wouldn’t recommend it.

What was your greatest success?

  • Before I Fell I was a Warrior, an angel created to fight demons on Earth. The history books don’t mention us, but we helped fight some of the bloodiest wars your land has ever seen, and saved thousands of human lives.

What’s the worst thing you’ve done to get what you want and why?

  • Lying and manipulating is an almost every day occurrence for my kind. I did those things to Rayna, purposely to punish her for what her mother did to me. Well, that was a pretty low point.

Most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you? 

  • Being rejected. By a human. And no, it wasn’t Rayna.

We all have secrets, what’s  your deepest darkest one?..

  • How I Fell. It’s something I’ve never told anyone and don’t intend on sharing any time soon. Or at all.

Who annoys you the most?

  • No doubt about it, Rayna. How one girl can be so entertaining and utterly annoying at the same time, I don’t know. But she sure pulls it off.

What makes you happy? 

  • Feeling a genuine smile pull my lips up, not a forced one that I put on for show. Only a few people have been able to get this out of me. Ray is the most recent.

What do you care about most in the world? 

  • Only one person. Me. So, maybe that was before Ray came around. Okay, maybe I’ll have to reevaluate that, but it sure as hell won’t be today.

How far will you go to get your own way? 

  • As far as I need to. I have very few limits.

Rayna would be surprised to know what about you? Something you would never share to the world, but just might share with the right person?

  • The right person. There is no right person. I honestly believe that. But for Ray, maybe one day, if the timing is right, I’d tell her how I Fell.
Black Wings 2

Kade’s wings are midnight-black feathers with a rainbow-like sheen of an oil slick. In the moonlight they shine like stars in the sky. Go to the Month9Books blog and show your wings for more chances to win A SHIMMER OF ANGELS books and swag! 

In the comments of this post tell me what Kade likes most about Rayna for a chance to win one of three books (paper/kindle ebook). I’ll pull winners on February 6.


You can find A SHIMMER OF ANGELS at Barnesandnoble.com, Amazon.com, or any other places where fantastic books are sold.

Categories: BooksContests


Veronica Bartles · January 29, 2013 at 7:46 am

I love that Kade’s favorite thing about Rayna is the way she doesn’t take any of his crap. Most guys I know prefer strong girls. I don’t know why there’s this stereotype out there that girls have to be weak and submissive.

Dawn in NL · January 29, 2013 at 2:24 pm

I agree with Veronica, my husband liked me because I was strong and knew my own mind.
And for the record Kade likes that Rayna doesn’t take any of his crap.
Sounds like a very interesting book!

Shelley Watters · January 30, 2013 at 8:39 pm

Gorgeous cover and sounds like a great story! Adding it to my TBR list! I’m with the girls above. My husband loves the fact that I’m so independent!

AngiNicole · January 30, 2013 at 8:40 pm

He loves that she doesn’t take his crap, which I whole heartedly love. This book sounds awesome. Thanks for the great interview, Kade!

K.T. Hanna · January 30, 2013 at 8:42 pm

Always love a heroine who doesn’t take crap!!!

Looking forward to this release – sounds great 🙂

callmebecks · January 30, 2013 at 8:42 pm

Kade likes that Rayna doesn’t take any of his crap. Which she shouldn’t! I like a sassy, independent-minded gal, and I like a guy who loves and respects that about a woman.

erica m. chapman · January 30, 2013 at 8:43 pm

Sounds awesome!!! Can’t wait to get my copy ;0)

SM Johnston · January 30, 2013 at 9:09 pm

Boy I wish I could enter this, but I’m in Australia. Wah!

Brenda Drake · January 30, 2013 at 9:26 pm

For the three books I’m giving away in for the comments, anyone can enter. You’d just get an Kindle ebook.

Lana Everheart · January 30, 2013 at 9:57 pm

You go Kade for liking how she doesn’t take any of your crap! And lovely pun about the falling out. I love puns. 🙂

meradeth · January 31, 2013 at 7:50 am

Totally loved the interview–Kade sounds like an awesome character 🙂 And thinking its hot that Ray won’t take his crap? Priceless!

Mia · January 31, 2013 at 8:51 am

Looks great. I’d love to win for my daughter!

Summer Heacock · January 31, 2013 at 4:28 pm

She doesn’t take any crap!!

Not gonna lie, I have a wee little crush on this lad, 😉

Good luck to everyone!!!

Kim Kasch · January 31, 2013 at 4:32 pm

She doesn’t take His crap! Love girls like this. It’s soooo disturbing when girls are willing to take a guy’s crap.

Michael Di Gesu · January 31, 2013 at 5:35 pm

Stunning cover….

Good luck to you, Lisa! All the best!

Leslie S. Rose · February 10, 2013 at 12:43 pm

Oh, Kade! This book sounds like it has a touch of everything. I’m in!

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