It was great fun reading about everyone’s favorite Mother Goose rhythms. So I thought I’d give you a bit of fun trivia before revealing the winners.


I’ve been to the Granary Burial Ground Cemetery, which is in the middle of downtown Boston. You can see the graveyard from the windows of the Boston Athenaeum where my novel, LIBRARY JUMPERS, starts out. It is believed that this head stone is the burial place of Mother Goose. Her stories circulated well before the life of Mary Goose whose name is on this stone, but in Boston, it is widely accepted that this is where Mother Goose rests. The grave site is one of the most visited in the graveyard. Notice the pile of pennies that have been tossed on it, they’re for good luck. I wonder if mine is still there.

The winners of the two copies of TWO AND TWENTY DARK TALES by are:

Ink in the Book
 Winners please email me your names and addresses at to claim your prize.

If you didn’t win a copy of TWO AND TWENTY DARK TALES, you’ll want to pick up a copy for yourself! Here’s more details and the links to buy this frighteningly awesome book …


Fairy tales sung sweetly can take us back to childhood, but just beneath those same sweet tales, is a hint of something dark…
Month9Books, a new publisher of speculative fiction for teens and tweens launches in October 2012, with the release of TWO AND TWENTY DARK TALES: DARK RETELLINGS OF MOTHER GOOSE RHYMES.  This unique collaboration’s proceeds (from the first 5,000 copies sold) will be donated to YALITCHAT.ORG, an organization that fosters the advancement, reading, writing and acceptance of young adult literature worldwide.  TWO AND TWENTY DARK TALES: DARK RETELLINGS OF MOTHER GOOSE RHYMES features some of today’s most admired young adult authors, including: Michelle Zink, Lisa Mantchev, Sarwat Chadda, Nina Berry, Leigh Fallon, Suzanne Young, C. Lee McKenzie, Angie Frazier, Jessie Harrell, Gretchen McNeil, KM Walton, Heidi R. Kling, Nancy Holder, Karen Mahoney, Suzanne Lazear, Pamela van Hylckama Vlieg, Shannon Delany with Max Scialdone, Leah Cypess, Sayantani DasGupta, and Georgia McBride, founder of Month9Books. Francisco X. Stork, author of the critically acclaimed MARCELLO IN THE REAL WORLD, provides a foreword that is nearly as riveting as the stories themselves. 
When asked why they wanted to be a part of TWO AND TWENTY DARK TALES: DARK RETELLINGS of MOTHER GOOSE RHYMES, the authors had a lot to say!
“I’m so excited to be working on Month9Books’s epic anthology. I’ve been a Tudor© nerd since before the Tudors© were cool, and this nursery rhyme is about the accession of the Scottish king, James VI, to the English throne (as James I.)” — New York Times Bestselling author, Nancy Holder
“As soon as I heard the anthology’s theme, I knew there was no stopping me! I love anything to do with folklore, so immediately latched onto ‘One for Sorrow’ as my story’s basis. I’ve wanted to write a crow story for a long time, and this was the perfect excuse!” — Karen Mahoney, author of The Iron Witch and The Wood Queen, Flux Books
About Month9Books:
Month 9 Books is a publisher of speculative fiction for teens and tweens… where nothing is as it seems. Month9Books will donate proceeds from each of its annual charity anthologies to a deserving charity. Individually, authors may donate his or her advances and royalties to a charitable organization. Month9Books will also release 10-12 non-charitable titles annually. TWO AND TWENTY DARK TALES: DARK RETELLINGS OF MOTHER GOOSE RHYMESis Month9Books’s first release. Month9Books is distributed by Small Press United, a division of IPG. You may visit www.month9books.comfor more information.

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Categories: Books


Rachel Schieffelbein · October 10, 2012 at 6:16 am

Congratulations to the winners! I do plan to pick up a copy of this one. It sounds so good!

    Brenda Drake · October 10, 2012 at 6:46 am

    I’m so glad you’re going to pick up this book. I can’t wait to read it. And it’s just in time for Halloween!

Ink in the Book · October 10, 2012 at 7:43 am

I won? Well, congratulations for picking a winner who really wanted to read this!!! Thanks Brenda:) I’ll email you right now!

Yay!!! I’m so excited!

Jackee · October 11, 2012 at 9:57 am

How cool about Mother Goose’s grave! And this book looks awesome–there really are some dark kid’s stories out there in history. And the author list! I’m off to check out the book. Thanks!

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