Welcome to the agent round of Pitch Live! The following entries have made it through the first round and are in the following posts after this one. Please no comments other than those from agents. If  you want to comment on the entries please go to this post here and click on each participants’ link. From today, October 17 – October 19 the agents will hop around and request pages from their favorite pitches. Check out all the agents viewing the pitches on this post here.

Submissions: Should you get a request from one of the agents, go to their websites and follow their submission guidelines. In your submission, make sure to put this in the subject line: Pitch Live Requested Material: TITLE OF YOUR NOVEL. Unless, of course, the agent puts specific instructions in the comments of your posts.

There’s a total of 30 videos and I’m hosting 10 of them here on my blog. So make sure to visit my hosts’ blogs for the other entries…

Leigh Ann Kopans    erica m. chapman  
 Leigh Ann Kopans                         Erica M. Chapman            

We had a vote going for the best video during the blogfest part of the contest, so we’ll announce the winners now.

The runners up from the blogfest vote for best video, each receiving a $10 gift card from Amazon are …


And the winner, top dog, Grand Poopah of video pitches, panty slinger, elevator riding champ, and the winner of a $25 gift card from Amazon is …

Winners please send an email to brendadrakecontests@gmail.com to claim your prize.
Keep scrolling for the video pitches…
Categories: Contests


Robin Weeks · October 17, 2012 at 6:28 am

Congrats, winners! So worthy!

Also, go Team Drake! Most of us look completely stoned in our thumbnails, so I’ll apologize now for letting my hallucinogenic dust leak out. 🙂

Good luck to everyone and thanks to the agents for stopping by!

John Krissilas · October 17, 2012 at 9:00 am

Congrats to Lauren, she killed it! I’m still laughing from her Pitch Video…. too funny!! 😀

Ink in the Book · October 17, 2012 at 3:06 pm

Hi Brenda,
I sincerely appreciate your shoutout on Twitter for my Pitch Live. I just noticed it, or I would have thanked you sooner.
Thank you for the opportunity for such a creative pitch. I wished my spirits would have matched my true feelings about my book, but it couldn’t be helped.

Again, thank you. I’m glad I got to participate!

    Brenda Drake · October 17, 2012 at 3:51 pm

    Oh, you’re welcome, and I’m sorry you’re going through such a sad time. (((Hugs)))

Sylvia Ney · October 18, 2012 at 9:40 am

Very cool idea! So glad I found your blog. I look forward to visiting again.


Ink in the Book · October 19, 2012 at 5:30 pm

Question: I remember you saying via twitter that you were on the fence about a few pitches because the word count was not right. Too high and too low. So my question is

Would 70,000 words for a YA fantasy to low?

    Brenda Drake · October 19, 2012 at 6:13 pm

    That word count is fine. You do have some room to work with if your world isn’t build enough. With fantasy you can go up to 90K, sometimes more. I try to stay 80K – 90K. Ask yourself: Is your world and characters fleshed out enough? Is there clarity through out? If so, then you’re good.

    Ink in the Book · October 19, 2012 at 6:42 pm

    I think I did fairly well with my world building, but with 10,000 or so words to work with, I may be able to add some color if suggested by an editor. Thanks for letting me know. I wondered about my word count because I have been told 70,000 was a tad bit low for a fantasy.

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