On September 7 through 12 until 12PM EST  the agents will haunt the host blogs, read the entries, and make their shots (bid shots from the ranking sheet) for the pitches they want to read more of.
Here’s the participating blogs urls (I’ll have the urls posted on my site to make it easier to hop between them):
Making a shot is placing a bid for the entry (see Shot Ranking sheet) in the comments of that entry’s post. The agents have a limited amount of shots for each request type (partials, fulls, and trumps). The comments will be set to moderation so you won’t see what the agents’ shots are until the reveal day.
    You have a limited amount of shots for each request type. Make sure to mark off your shots on the attached tracking sheet to keep track of them as you use them. 
    September 12 is reveal day. We’ll post all the comments and reveal the bids at 12:00PM EST. The highest shot wins the bid for that entry.
What happens with ties, you ask? Well, that’s where it gets tricky!
While placing their bids, the agents must make sure to save some shots or trumps for the challenge round. If there are ties, the agents will be asked to go back to that entry with their competitor to make another shot against him/her. The highest shot trumps the other and wins the bid for that pitch.
This is where the agents must come up with a strategy on what shots or trumps to use for the first round and which ones to save for the challenge round.
The challenge round starts after the reveal and if there are tying shots. We’ll announce the pitches that tied on the hashtag #PitchMadness. Shooters (Agents) will then go to the entry post and “shoot” another bid in the comments. Each challenge will continue until there is a winner or until all but one player is eliminated (runs out of shots and trumps for that pitch). Best shot wins!
Please note: Only one request per agent for each pitch during the first round. 

Shot Rankings 

Total shots

per agent:
   10           1 body shot = Query & 1st 5 pages
    10           2 Body shots = Query & 1st 10 pages
    10           3 Body shots = Query & 1st 25 pages
    10           4 Body shots = Query & 1st 50 pages
     5            5 Body shots = Query & 1st 75 pages
     5            6 Body shots = Query & 1st 100 pages
     5            7 Body shots = Query & 1st 150 pages
     3            1 Head shot  = Full request
    2           2 Head shots = Trumps all partial requests
     1           Capture the flag = Trumps all full requests
Tomorrow we’ll post the sixty (60) entries on all four blogs that made it into the arena with the agents!

And don’t forget we’re hosting a Twitter Pitch Party, so get your twitter pitches ready! 

Everyone is welcome to pitch the agents. Whenever you see an agent on the hashtag, tweet your pitch. How many times, you ask? No limit. Just tweet when you spot an agent.

Categories: MiscPitch Madness