The winners by for the five 500 word critiques from me from the Teenaged Nitpick critique event are:

Eric Steinburg
Adrianne Russell
Beck Nicholas
Crystal Collier

Congratulations! Please send any 500 word excerpt from your manuscript or query for critique to

Coming up on the blog…

Win a copy of TWO AND TWENTY DARK TALES: Dark Retellings of Mother Goose Rhymes coming from Month9Books this October. Go here for details.

Pitch your novella to Month9Books October 1. For details, go here.

A Super Secret PItch Contest!

A super secret pitch contest October 15-19. Details here.

Trick or Treat with and Agent 
Details here.

Categories: MiscQuerying/Writing


beck nicholas · October 1, 2012 at 6:48 pm

Thanks Brenda!!

Adrianne Russell · October 6, 2012 at 8:30 am

Again, thanks so much!

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