The Super Intern contest is here! For the rest of the week (as her schedule will allow)
Erica M. Chapman, who’s an agent intern for Louise Fury with L. Perkins Agency, will tell thirty lucky writers when she stopped reading their pitches or which ones would make it out of the slush pile.
Not enough? My other besties, Shelley Watters and Monica B.W. and I are giving away ten page critiques as prizes. Erica will pick the top three entries to receive the critiques, and we’ll post the winners after she finishes reading and commenting on all the entries. Plus you never know, if Erica likes any of the entries enough, she just might recommend them to Louise Fury.
So, follow along and find out which of our thirty writers will make it out of the slush pile! *sits back and sips on a mug of coffee*
Comments are welcomed, but please be courteous and kind.
(P.S. I had formatting issues, so please feel free to email me and let me know if there are any mistakes in your entry on this post.)

John Lucas Hargis · June 13, 2012 at 5:01 pm
Let’s get this thing rolling! Anything we authors can do to make sure Erica gets some free time? Will bribing her boss-lady help? Donating vacation days to the cause?
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