# B-2 YA Post-Apocalyptic Paranormal: ParaWars: UPRISING

Seventeen-year-old Kendry Hartshorn thought the war between humans and paranormals wouldn’t change her. She thought she knew Axel, her gargoyle best friend. She thought she was human. She was wrong. About everything.

It wasn’t the apocalypse anyone expected.

There were no nuclear bombs or failing economies, no plagues or bio-warfare. The Paranormal Uprising happened overnight, in silence. We woke to myth and legend, and a changed world. Until that day two years ago, most of us hadn’t known the paras were anything more than story or superstition, something told to amuse or frighten us.

But they were real. And they were tired of hiding. Tired of being hunted by secret organizations that didn’t want anyone to know about them. Tired of being forced out of a world that belonged as much to them as to us. So the paras did the last thing anyone who knew them expected.

They showed the world they existed.

I went to bed thinking about my English exam and how much I was sure I’d bombed my drama audition. When I woke up, who got the lead in our school production didn’t matter.

Categories: MiscPitch Madness


Louise Fury · March 14, 2012 at 5:05 am

Two Pair (Q +25 pages)

STNY · March 14, 2012 at 7:14 am

I have a pair.

MyTricksterGod · March 15, 2012 at 2:11 pm

Not much a fan of the sentence.
But the paragraph is worked well in establishing the two worlds, and the fear in experiencing the unexpected shift into the changed world; it is worked very well.
It is worked very well, and it ends awesomely. The end doubles and ennobles the fear.

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