While we’re busy reading the entries for the March Madness Agent Pitch Match, we thought we’d introduce our fantabulous agents competing for the best of the best entries that make into the final round.
And here are the first five agents …
John M Cusick
John is a literary agent looking for Children’s, Middle Grade, and Young Adult fiction. He’s also an author. I’ve just finished reading his YA novel, Girl Parts and LOVED IT. Also, check out his short story Abandon Changes. If he wasn’t busy enough, John is also the managing editor for Armchair/Shotgun , a biannual journal that publishes fiction, non-fiction, and poetry.

 Sarah LaPolla

Sarah represents both adult and YA fiction. For adult books, she is looking for literary fiction, urban fantasy, magical realism, and short story. On the YA side, she welcomes literary fiction, science fiction, urban fantasy, magical realism, romantic comedy, and mystery. She also has a keen interest in voice-driven stories, strong female protagonists, and complex characters.

 Sara Sciuto
Sara is actively building her list with a focus on middle grade and young adult, in particular, dystopian, science fiction, fantasy, and unique paranormal. She also enjoys contemporary stories with a strong, authentic voice (but no chick-lit, please). She has a particular soft spot for anything in the Deep South (sweet contemporary to dark paranormal), gritty contemporary, utilitarian dystopias or dystopian thrillers, anything with international locales or period settings (think flappers or “Mad Men”), and anything with artistic themes. Sara is also looking for standout picture books and select nonfiction.

Lauren Hammond
Lauren only represents Young Adult, Middle Grade, and Adult Romance authors. She’s looking for YA(any genre), MG(any genre),Contemporary Romances, Historical Romances, and anything edgy and dark. She doesn’t want or need anymore Paranormal/Romances.(Unless you have horror as a sub-genre and in that case she’ll make an exception.) She would like to see some YA or MG horror novels cross my desk. The creepier, the better. She’s also looking for edgy contemporaries and swoon-worthy romances. If you’ve written a New Adult novel ( in any of the genres listed above), she will consider that as well. Lauren is also an author – Check out her books here.

Molly Ker Hawn
She’s looking for young adult and middle grade fiction that’s inventive, well-crafted, and rich with emotion, whether contemporary, historical, fantasy, sf, thriller, romance, or mystery. Her favorite books have characters she wish she could talk to in worlds she wish she could visit, and she loves stories that grab hold of her and keep her up reading long into the night.
Don’t forget to come back Wednesday for The Agents Part II!


Categories: MiscPitch Madness


K.T. Hanna · March 5, 2012 at 11:24 am

Thank you all so much for doing this. Thanks to everyone for this fantastic opportunity.

*goes back to crossing fingers*

Erica W. · March 5, 2012 at 12:01 pm

Hello! So excited to watch this play out. I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed March so much before! Hoping that I make it to the next round =) Big thanks!

R.A.Desilets · March 5, 2012 at 12:03 pm

What an incredible group of agents and an amazing opportunity!

Very excited to see how this plays out 🙂

Jade Hart · March 5, 2012 at 1:11 pm

Brenda. I can’t thank you enough for hosting this and roping in such INCREDIBLE agents. I was going to query all of those talented agents. You are either a mind reader or just fantaboulous 😉 Thanks again 🙂

Donelle Lacy · March 5, 2012 at 3:26 pm

These are great agents! Thanks for this contest!

Donelle Lacy · March 5, 2012 at 3:29 pm

and… what if we HAVE queried a few of these agents already? *coughandgotrejectedcough*

Angela Brown · March 5, 2012 at 3:38 pm

This March Madness is just the best idea and wonderful that these agents are participating.


Crystal Licata · March 5, 2012 at 4:51 pm

Wow! A-list agents 🙂

Melanie Hooyenga · March 5, 2012 at 5:55 pm

I’m so excited to be in the contest!!

Robin Weeks · March 5, 2012 at 6:07 pm

Ohhhh, I want them all! (If only it worked that way….)

Can’t wait to see if I’ll be in the auction!

Brenda Drake · March 5, 2012 at 8:19 pm

Thanks everyone for stopping by. I can’t wait until the contest!

Donelle, we still have five more agents to introduce. As long as you haven’t queried all of them, you should be fine. You might not get as many requests if you make it in, though. Good luck!

Artemis Grey · March 6, 2012 at 5:35 am

Thank you to all the agents for getting involved and offering their time! And, again, thank you to Brenda, Shelley and Cassandra for taking all this effort and time to put on the contest!

Good luck everyone!

Gabrielle · March 6, 2012 at 1:46 pm

A big round of applause to all of the agents for helping out with this contest. Y’all are awesome! And so are you, Brenda 🙂

Jamie Corrigan · March 6, 2012 at 3:59 pm

Amazing agents! I’d be happy to have any of them! Thank you all for doing this contest! And once again, *hugs* and thanks to Brenda, Shelley, and Cass! You ladies are beyond awesome!

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