Name: Crystal Licata
If I would have known I was going to die before my xxxxxx birthday I would have definitely been more reckless. Like ran off with some hot college guy to the city for the weekend or chopped off all my hair for once. Or simply just stopped wasting my time planning my future. But it was too late for rebellious weekend or a new hairstyle. And it was too late to live for the moment. My moment was gone. He was hiding in my room waiting to kill me just like my dream predicted and there was nothing I could do to change it. But I refused to make it easy for him. I wanted to guarantee the news report read ‘girl put up a fight’. I would not go out looking pathetic.
I scanned my nightstand for some type of weapon but a pink, furry pillow, a Sixteen Candles DVD and eyelash curler weren’t going to cut it. Why was I so girly? I needed a baseball bat or one of those Taser thingies. I slid the eyelash curler in my palm and stepped closer to the hallway slipping on the trail of water my hair left on the wood floor. If my damn phone hadn’t been ringing I wouldn’t have stormed in my room pinning myself between my bed and him. An amateur move for someone who knew they were fated to be killed.
Categories: ContestsMisc

1 Comment

Susan Francino · December 13, 2011 at 2:09 pm

I like this opening…I think it has something to do with her arming herself with an eyelash curler. 😉

Just one teeny thing I’d like to mention. The first sentence implies that she *doesn’t* know her life is in danger, while the last sentence says she knows she is “fated to be killed.” It’s a little detail, but I just thought I’d point it out so you could de-fuzz the contradiction. 🙂

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