Wildefire by Karsten Knight

Publisher: Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy
Age Group: 15+
Pages: 400 (Hardcover)
Available Formats: Hardcover, eBook
Buy this Book: Amazon
Ashline Wilde is having a rough sophomore year. She’s struggling to find her place as the only Polynesian girl in school, her boyfriend just cheated on her, and now her runaway sister, Eve, has decided to barge back into her life. When Eve’s violent behavior escalates and she does the unthinkable, Ash transfers to a remote private school nestled in California’s redwoods, hoping to put the tragedy behind her. But her fresh start at Blackwood Academy doesn’t go as planned. Just as Ash is beginning to enjoy the perks of her new school—being captain of the tennis team, a steamy romance with a hot, local park ranger—Ash discovers that a group of gods and goddesses have mysteriously enrolled at Blackwood…and she’s one of them. To make matters worse, Eve has resurfaced to haunt Ash, and she’s got some strange abilities of her own. With a war between the gods looming over campus, Ash must master the new fire smoldering within before she clashes with her sister one more time… And when warm and cold fronts collide, there’s guaranteed to be a storm.
DramaGirl aka Marissa
I so loved this book. It pulled me in and I wanted to chill with Ashline. She really felt real to me and I laughed several times at things that happened. Auntie B always makes us give our favorite line from the books we read. Mine is, “Ashline Wilde was a human mood ring.” It’s the first line in the book and it grabbed me right off.
ChoirGirl aka Kayla
I read this by Auntie’s pool with her. I’m her niece and the one who got her to start the book club. I have to say that this book reads easy and I couldn’t put it down. The beginning was hard for me. I didn’t relate to the fighting in the beginning, but as I read more, I was totally hooked. My favorite line is, “She always had to be different somehow–in this case different by not being different at all.”
BookGirl aka Jessica
I loved this because of the Polynesian goddess and the mythology thing. It’s unique and the characters are awesome. I really like stories set in schools too. I like this line, “Like a caterpillar she bunches up her body and then extends, bunches and extends, moving efficiently up the trunk using only her knees and hands.” This really gave me a great visual of the action. I LOVE this book!
SportsGirl aka Kaitlin
I so snorted my Powerade out my nose when something happens during a make-out scene in this book. Also, I thought the fight scene at the beginning was awesome. I so related to this character and loved the story. My favorite line is, “Shut it, cupcake.” I use it on DramaGirl alot and she hates it, but it’s so perfect.
GameGirl aka Tarah
I couldn’t put the book down. Everyone says I’m so like Ashline. I liked the romance and how the author keeps the story moving. I can’t wait for the sequel. Love this line, “Colt has the subtlety of a car alarm.” Colt is just like me. Read the book, it’s great!
MusicGirl aka Juliet
This book took hold of me and didn’t let go. I love how the author described things and I really felt like I knew these characters. I didn’t want it to end, but it ended so good that I can’t wait for the sequel. My fav line was, “She had intended to kiss him until the end, intended to keep contact with his chapped, salty lips until the tidal wave dragged her away from him…” It totally melted my heart.
Swim Girl aka Gabby
I can honestly say, this book has been one of my favorites that we’ve read for Auntie B’s Book Club. I like that Ashline is an every girl type. I was adopted and I related to her a lot. I laughed several time while reading it. I loved it. My favorite line is the same as DramaGirl’s line. The first line is so great and tells us a lot. I can’t wait to read the sequel.
Well, that’s it for the reviews. With summer vacays and school preparations, we had a difficult time getting together. A few of our members read the book, but didn’t get their comments to me. It happens. Anyway, get the book if you don’t win it here. You’ll love it.
Which God or Goddess power would you want if you could have one? Do you all want have blogfest-like workshops with prizes?
I have some fun contests coming up soon, so check back sometime for details.
That’s it. Slurp!
Sophia Chang · August 29, 2011 at 2:07 pm
Doh, 1 never comes up on random.org, but I’ll give it a go anyway!
I like Hermes’ speed because I hate sitting in L.A. traffic. Cutting out commute time would help me avoid accidents, be perpetually on time, and reduce my stress!
Riley Redgate · August 29, 2011 at 2:17 pm
Ooh, I’d LOVE one of these! If I had a godlike power… heh, I hesitate to say Demeter’s growing abilities (yo, constant free food!)… CAN I BE THOR?!
Yeah, I call Thor. Quoth Wikipedia: “…a hammer-wielding god associated with thunder, lightning, storms, oak trees, strength, destruction, fertility, healing, and the protection of mankind.” Total win.
Jolene Perry · August 29, 2011 at 2:56 pm
I want the power to go without sleep – and I’ve been looking forward to this book for a LONG time!!
Heather · August 29, 2011 at 3:16 pm
Mmmm, a god-like power, I’d have to go with flight. I’d love to be able to fly!
Kathryn Packer Roberts · August 29, 2011 at 4:59 pm
Really, I’d just like super-human strength, so whoever has that power, I would be that person. Although, now that I read the other entries, the power of speed would come in handy taking care of my little ones. =)
kprwrite at hotmail dot com
Brenda Drake · August 29, 2011 at 5:40 pm
Great choices so far. I’d have to agree with Jolene, lately I could use the power to go without sleep. 😀
Robin Weeks · August 29, 2011 at 5:45 pm
Flight. Being named after a bird tends to make you want to do that sort of thing. 🙂
Tracy N. Jorgensen · August 29, 2011 at 5:58 pm
I’d go for Hypno’s ability to put people to sleep. I’d have peace and quiet whenever I wanted! Also, blogfests sound cool.
Kerri Cuev · August 29, 2011 at 6:40 pm
I’d like to run fast! Great reviews girls and I so want to read this!
Meredith · August 29, 2011 at 7:53 pm
If I had a goddess power, I would totally want it to be flight. Hands down. This book looks like so much fun!
Sarah Nicolas · August 30, 2011 at 1:23 am
Is there a goddess that can teleport? It seems like lots of them can. I want that one right now, especially because I’m without transportation and far away from my friends 🙁
Vicki Tremper · August 30, 2011 at 10:23 am
I’ve always been partial to invisibility. This book sounds awesome. I love mythology.
Brenda Drake · September 1, 2011 at 10:43 am
Wonderful answers! I’m now thinking I need to have the ability to speed-read. Is there a goddess with that power? Hmmm…
Margie · September 2, 2011 at 4:56 pm
Since I’m a horrible swimmer and afraid of the water, I’d like Poseidon’s power of water because it always looks like so much fun when other people are frolicking in the water.
Lindsi · September 7, 2011 at 7:58 am
I love mythology! Poseidon has always been my favorite. I think it would be amazing to be able to swim and breathe under the water. You could surf without a surf board 🙂
Ems · September 7, 2011 at 8:28 am
I’d love to have Athena’s wisdom and cool head. She seems like she’s always on top of things and thinks things through, unlike so many of the others.
Actually, I just want to be a goddess period. 😀
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