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Natalie Fischer |
I first came across the fantabulous Natalie Fischer on WriteOnCon during her live chat, which you can view here. She was so personable during this interview, I liked her instantly. Especially when posed with a question about what she’d like writers to take away from her chat on WriteOnCon and she had said that she would like them to know that she’s a person too, she’s approachable, she has rules and appreciates professionalism, and she won’t laugh at you if you make a mistake.
And she wasn’t lying, because she didn’t laugh at me when I asked her to do this contest with her crazy hectic schedule. Not only did she just move to the Bradford Agency, but also, she’s planning her wedding. So I’m completely impressed with her drive, and anyone would be lucky to snag her as their agent.
So, welcome Natalie to my blog *waves*!
I have none. I am…SUPER AGENT! 😉 But really, it’s having the willpower to keep working. I work at home now, and it’s way too easy to get distracted…
Before deciding to become an agent, you worked for the San Diego Union Tribune and interned for the Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency. How did that prepare you for agenting?
So, what does hook you, I mean, what genres do you represent?
Do you work closely with your clients on revisions before submitting a project to publishers? How would you describe your agent style?
Oh yes! I am very editorial as an agent.
That’s wonderful! Got love an agent who works with her clients to give that book the best chance at getting published. In the WriteOnCon live chat, I loved how you explained that you ask for revisions to see if you and the writer will work well together.
What are the common mistakes you see writers make when querying you?
Well, that would be querying me, period, ha, since I’m currently closed to unsolicited submissions. But really, I’d say not doing their homework or proofing the email before they send to make sure it’s addressed to the right person, is spell-checked, and has no typos.
Heehee. Did you get that everyone? Natalie Fischer is currently closed to submissions during her transition from her prior agency to the Bradford Agency. Keep an eye out on her blog’s contact page here to see when she’s open again.
I live in New Mexico and read about your sale of Roseanne Thong’s ROUND IS A TORTILLA, and I’m so excited for its release so I can share with it with some special children in my community. What other clients’ works are you excited to see hit the bookstores’ shelves?
Very excited that the debut YA from co-authors Natalie Zaman and Charlotte Bennardo, SIRENZ, will hit shelves in June! ALL DIFFERENT KINDS OF FREE I am also VERY eager to see hit shelves; it’s an incredibly emotional adult historical, and I can’t wait to see how people react to it. The reviews have been so strong. It’s out in April.
I read a review and I’m excited to get my hands on a copy, and I will be promoting it and giving away a free copy right here on my blog.
What are you looking for and what do you see way too much of in the slush pile?
I’m looking out for writers with an incredible voice and a hook. I see way too many vampire and werewolf stories, even though everyone repeatedly says how sick of those they are. Paranormal in general is just not doing it for me right now. I want dark and edgy and contemporary.
Okay everyone, get that dark and edgy contemporary manuscripts polished so you can query Natalie with them when she’s opened for submissions.
With your editor eye, what’s the biggest mistake you see in the full manuscripts that you pass on?
The writing doesn’t hold up past the first ten pages. The pacing starts to drag and I just don’t have interest anymore.
You have a great post about voice on your site, Adventures in Agentland and since this is a show your voice contest, do you have any quick pointers on how to make a first 250 words of a manuscript shine with voice?
Start with a punch. Don’t drag your feet in an opening – no long descriptions, dream sequences, or random floating dialogue. Give me a voice to latch onto – which means give me a personality from the start of your first sentence.
Thank you, Natalie! In closing, can you leave us with one of your favorite openings that really showcases a great voice?
Steph · March 13, 2011 at 11:17 am
Awesome interview, and contest!
Good luck with the wedding planning, Natalie! Thanks for your time, and thank you Brenda for yours as well! 🙂
Bekah · March 13, 2011 at 11:20 am
I read her posts on voice, and they’re very informational. No one can teach me voice, yet I can improve it. I find that I hear a voice in my head for specific characters but putting them on paper is sometimes a bit harder.
Nice blogfest…again : )
A. Grey · March 13, 2011 at 11:36 am
Great post! Nice to *meet* you Natalie!
Good luck with the wedding planning. All I can say is keep a notebook with sections for everything… I cannot imagine planning anything like that. A book, totally… ‘real’ life… uh not so much 🙂
gideon86 · March 13, 2011 at 12:01 pm
This is great. I saw this on another blogger’s post. I have already entered. Thanks Brenda.
Have a great pre-birthday week and St. Pats. I’m not Irish, but I know many who are and I love them…. So there you have.
I am so looking forward to your contest!!!!! My new novel has an amazingly strong…. at least that’s what I’ve been told.
Janet Johnson · March 13, 2011 at 12:25 pm
I read Natalie’s interview about voice on Adventures in Children’s Publishing as well. Very great explanations!
Tanya Reimer · March 13, 2011 at 2:30 pm
Wow thanks for the great interview. Loved it!
Margo Berendsen · March 14, 2011 at 7:10 pm
I can never see too many examples of voice. I keep hoping it will start to sink in! Loved her example and now off to check her articles on voice!
Brenda Drake · March 14, 2011 at 8:15 pm
I’m so glad you all enjoyed the interview! Her posts on voice are so simple to understand and I hope you all learn something new from them. 😀
erica m. chapman · March 14, 2011 at 10:30 pm
Fantastic interview to both of you ;o) Some great insight too, thanks so much, Natalie ;o)
Donea Lee · March 15, 2011 at 2:14 pm
Thanks for the interview, ladies! Natalie – I appreciate the opportunity to get to know more about you. I’m hoping I have the chance to meet you at the Pike’s Peak Conference in April. Off to check out your article on voice! Thanks, again ~ 🙂
Vicki Tremper · March 15, 2011 at 6:08 pm
Hey, Brenda. Thanks so much for your comment this morning on my blog! That was so sweet of you to say and I hope you get to read the rest someday. I also look forward to reading Annika Britannica – it’s a great concept with a great voice. Good luck to us both!
Sharon K. Mayhew · March 15, 2011 at 11:22 pm
Great interview, ladies! It looks like you are hosting another awesome blogfest, Brenda.
I have an award for you. 🙂
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