December 12-24 CA Marshall will be hosting the Twelve Days of Christmas Blogfest. On her blog (here) she’s having guest bloggers write about the gifts in the song The Twelve Days of Christmas for each day until the 24th. The posts will be about anything from a short story, a memory, a rant, an essay on the history of that day’s item, or whatever. I will be contributing on the 24th with Twelve Drummers Drumming. Stop by and read your fellow writers’ pieces on each day (especially mine – heehee).
December 12-18 Query Letter Blogfest over at Jodi Henry’s blog Turning the Page: A Literary Ramble go (here) to join in the fun and win some prizes. We’ll be posting query letters for review on our WIP or finished manuscripts.
December 13 – Christine Danek is hosting the Crazy Holiday Blogfest on her blog Christine’s Journey to join in the fun go (here) We’ll be posting 250 words about any holiday from either a WIP or whatever.
December 20thMelissa is hosting the Be Jolly by Golly Blogfest on her blog Through the Looking Glass to RSVP your blog go (here) Participants will be posting pictures, recipes or whatever to tell about how they celebrate the holiday.
 Just added: December 11 – Marieke is hosting a Midwinter Blogfest on her blog Marieke’s Musings check it out (here)to join in. All you have to do is write about your MC midwinter celebrations and there is a prize.  

I hope to see you all around the blogs this holiday season – when were not sloshed on eggnog or frantically wrapping Christmas presents or participating in Hanuka celebrations.  
Categories: Misc


Jennifer Hoffine · December 7, 2010 at 1:44 pm

Thanks for posting about these…and love your festive graphics!

Dominic de Mattos · December 7, 2010 at 2:24 pm

I do struggle to keep track of all the wonderful blogfests on offer. I plan to hold one to celebrate 100 followers – when I get there. You heard it here first folks!


Jodi Henry · December 7, 2010 at 2:47 pm

Thanks for posting these. Be sure to comment this link into the comments on the blogfest sign up page.


Joanna St. James · December 7, 2010 at 3:58 pm

Its really difficult reading this font/colour maybe its just my computer Anyways how are you doing?

Joanna St. James · December 7, 2010 at 3:59 pm

it is my computer – I see snow now and now I have a feeling of deja vu ignore me

Marieke · December 7, 2010 at 4:07 pm

Ooh, some more fun blogfests to check out! Great!

I’m hosting one too, with a Midwinter theme, this weekend, if you want to have a look 🙂

Nathalie · December 7, 2010 at 9:08 pm

Oohhh, thanks for the great info!

Christine Danek · December 8, 2010 at 2:36 pm

Thanks for posting my blogfest. I hope to join the other blogfests as well. Thanks for the info and visiting my blog. Love your background and will be back to visit.

gideon 86 · December 9, 2010 at 8:04 am

Hi Brenda…

Beautiful blog page… Love the snow. If you can I’m hosting an HP Blogfest at my sight. Great prizes from Wizarding World for best entry….



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