Michael Di Gesu is hosting the Harry Potter Blogfest over at his blog In Time . . .  today go (HERE) to read all the other participants’ entries.

Here’s the rules: “In honor of HP, I would like to have an HP blogfest. In 500 words, I would like you to create a scene with any of the HP characters from any of the seven books. It could be anything you want. Funny, magical, serious, etc. And for an added twist, let’s have it set during the holidays. Christmas or Thanksgiving.”
So here’s mine . . .
I pulled my ball dress through the second floor girl’s bathroom and rushed over to the nearest sink. Romilda Vane trailed in after me. 
Grabbing several towels from the dispenser, I glanced into the mirror at Romilda’s reflection. “I can’t believe how clumsy that Weasley boy is,” I said. “He’s ruined my dress with his punch.” I drenched the towels with water and rubbed at the stain.
Romilda frowned at the red stain across the front of my dress. “Ron is such a klutz. Can you believe Harry brought his sister, Ginny, to the Yule Ball when he could have brought me? The girl is as dull as a plain biscuit.”
Ooooh,” a girl’s voice wailed from one of the stalls.
I spun around. “Moaning Myrtle? Is that you?”
Her ghostly form came through the stall door. “Ooooh, it was dreadful,” she said. “I heard somebody come in, and I didn’t take any notice of it. They stole the Yule decorations that Professor McGonagall put up for me.  
“You didn’t see anyone take them?” I asked.
“Don’t ask me. Here I am minding my own business, and someone decides to ruin my Yule.” Her lips pulled into a pout. “Oh, hello Romilda, I haven’t seen you in a few days. You haven’t been giving any more boys any love potions lately, have you? I was circling the sink the other day, and I swear I saw you add some to a box of Yule candies. Not being a devious girl again, are you?”
“Oh shut up you ghastly spy,” Romilda snapped. “I’m glad someone took your decorations. Who decorates a bathroom anyhow?” She huffed off, slamming the bathroom door behind her.
“Ooooh,” Myrtle moaned again. “That girl is always so nasty to me.”
The door eased opened. “Is there anyone in there?” Harry called.
“Just us ghosts,” Myrtle said and then looked at me. “Oh, sorry, you’re about as white as one.”
I glared at her. “Thanks.”
“Actually, I meant to ask if you were decent and if I could come in,” Harry added.
“I’m decent, anyhow.” Myrtle giggled.
Harry came around the corner carrying an armful of garland and lights.
“Ooooh, Harry, you found them!” Myrtle flew up to the ceiling and circled around Harry and me. “You’re my most favorite wizard, Harry Potter.”
Hermione shuffled into the restroom with her pink ball gown rustling around her legs. “Oh my, Brenda, Ron wasn’t exaggerating. He did turn your white dress pink.” She pointed her wand at me and said, “Spoticus scrubulus.”
A blue light hit my chest and I glanced down. The red stain was gone.
“Wow, thanks.”
“Ooooh,” Myrtle screeched. “So you weren’t shot in the chest? Drat. I thought I was going to have a new friend.”
“We should be getting back to the ball,” Hermione said, grabbing my arm and leading me to the door. “Happy Christmas, Myrtle.”
“Happy Christmas,” I repeated.
“Yes,” Harry said. “Happy Christmas, Myrtle.”

“Thank you, Harry Potter.” Myrtle vanished.

Categories: Misc


Melissa · December 11, 2010 at 1:30 am

I love Romilda’s comment about Ginny being as plain as a biscuit. This was great, I loved that Myrtle was in here. And you fit right in!

gideon 86 · December 11, 2010 at 9:16 am


Loved that you used Myrtle …. she is one of my favs. Someone taking her decorations was too funny.

I also liked how you used Ron and Hermione in this scene and Ramilda is a nice bonus.

I really enjoyed this and I love how you incorporated yourself into the scene. Very well done.

Thanks so much for your participation and support!


Nicki Elson · December 11, 2010 at 9:43 am

How fun. “Spoiticus scrubulus” Hahaha. Hope the rest of the dance goes better. 😉

erica and christy · December 11, 2010 at 12:22 pm

That clumsy Ron – thank goodness for Hermione!

Fun, festive blog page. We’re in the middle of a blizzard, so there’s snow EVERYWHERE here and I can’t see anything through my windows – yours is much prettier.

Dominic de Mattos · December 11, 2010 at 12:55 pm

How I envy you going to Hogwarts!!

Loved the story!!

Great entry.


C.A. Marshall · December 11, 2010 at 1:52 pm

I still love it! And it looks so pretty with the gleaming gold and falling snow!

Well done, Brenda! <3

Madeleine · December 11, 2010 at 2:34 pm

I loved spoticus scribulus that is inspired and using Moaning Myrtle. Brilliant! :O)

Roland D. Yeomans · December 11, 2010 at 2:43 pm

I really am in love with your new blog design, Brenda. And stealing Myrtle’s decorations is dastardly. Harry and Hermoine to the rescue. You nailed each character dead center. Congratulations, Roland

Lisa · December 11, 2010 at 2:48 pm

I love Hermione’s spell at the end – great job 🙂

Erin Kane Spock · December 11, 2010 at 4:22 pm

You had Myrtle down pat. And, of course, Hermione to the rescue. That was fun. Thanks for sharing!

N. R. Williams · December 11, 2010 at 4:52 pm

Brenda, your blog is just as magical as Hogwarts. Super cool, anyone want to make snowmen? I love Myrtle…so like Harry to find the decorations. Great job.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author

Hart Johnson · December 11, 2010 at 10:55 pm

Totally like Ron to stain somebody’s dress! Ha! And that Romilda… what a pain. I like that Harry is nice to Myrtle, no matter how odd she is… Great story!

Su · December 12, 2010 at 12:18 am

Yay, you brought in Myrtle! Well done!

pensees · December 12, 2010 at 6:06 pm

Spoticus scrubulus was my fave. If only I could use that spell! Hahahaha


Brenda Drake · December 12, 2010 at 9:05 pm

This was such a fun blogfest! Thanks all for coming on over and reading mine. I enjoyed reading all the entries, there’s some real talent out there. Bravo! 😀

Cherie Reich · December 13, 2010 at 11:11 am

Great story, Brenda! Congrats on winning too! I love your blog look as well. The falling snow is pretty. 😀

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