Today’s coffee is still out of the pot but without creamer because I forgot to get some yesterday. It’s the start of day five for NaNoWriMo, and I’m on schedule at 8k plus words written. Though what I have will take like seven little men polishing for hours upon hours and whistling while they work to get it shining like a diamond, I will keep going.  This is a short post because I’m sure you all have more important things to do than to listen to me whine about how skeletal my NaNo project is. That’s how it’s supposed to be, right?

Not. A few of my writing buddies say they’re editing as they go. I’m like WTH? With all that’s going on, I can’t possibly edit as I go. I leave the crap behind me and during the many months after NaNo, I’ll revise several times until I’m happy with the results. So don’t get down if you think your NaNo project sucks. You can make it better later. Just keep writing and don’t look back but remember your work isn’t ready to send out into the querying world until seven little men . . .

On another note, the fabulous Kerri at Craft Junkie interviewed me about my project here.  Stop by her blog and check it out and follower her. She’s going to have more interviews throughout NaNo.

How’s your NaNo project or current work coming along?

That’s it. Slurp! *cringes at the terrible tasting coffee*

Categories: Misc


Summer Ross · November 5, 2010 at 7:57 am

Ewww- I couldn’t do coffee without cream LOL you are a braver woman than I. 🙂

My NaNo- um yeah- about that….I have 7,000 words, hoping to catch up and get ahead this weekend, I’m doing a bunch of short stories though. New material, means more work to submit later. 🙂

Have a great weekend.

Joanna St. James · November 5, 2010 at 8:05 am

i think am silently approaching 10k but i really dont know cos am writing longhand. Good luck

Meredith · November 5, 2010 at 8:24 am

I’m trying my best not to edit as I go, but there’s always some amount of that for me. If I write a crappy sentence, I’m physically incapable of leaving it there!

Heather · November 5, 2010 at 9:25 am

If you have Hershey’s syrup pour some of that in, it should take the edge off! I cringe whenever I hear someone editing as they go on a normal project. I can’t even imagine them doing it on a NaNo project! Yikes! Great job on your word count by the way.

Jodi Henry · November 5, 2010 at 9:33 am

Hey there,

I buddied you on NaNo. Glad to hear you are on track. That is so great.

I did a little, well a lot of dialogue editing in chapter two of mine this morning, but it needed it so the next chapter could move forward. I usually don’t edit as I go. I would never make forward progress if I did. 🙂

Kudos for all those who can, I am just not one of them.

Good luck with the nasty coffee. I’m with Heather on the chocolate syrup…or maybe ice cream toppings, those work too.

BTW: I am hosting a query letter blogfest from Dec. 12th to 18th. check out the announcment at


Tony Noland · November 5, 2010 at 9:35 am

Almost at 8K so far today. Will add another 1.5K this afternoon.

I don’t edit as I go, unless it’s re-reading necessary to get me back into the groove.

Shelley Watters · November 5, 2010 at 9:58 am

Mine is going great! The word wars with you guys have been an enormous help! I passed 13k last night! Yay!

And don’t worry that we edit as we go. I know I’n not coming out with a finished work when I get to the end of Nano. So those seven little men will be working overtime. Maybe we need more than seven. I’m guessing like forty-five…

Oh I posted my synopsis for my Nano BURN ME on my blog. You know, if you want to know the crazy thoughts that fall out of my head while we are word warring…:)

Shelley Watters · November 5, 2010 at 9:59 am

Mine is going great! The word wars with you guys have been an enormous help! I passed 13k last night! Yay!

And don’t worry that we edit as we go. I know I’n not coming out with a finished work when I get to the end of Nano. So those seven little men will be working overtime. Maybe we need more than seven. I’m guessing like forty-five…

Oh I posted my synopsis for my Nano BURN ME on my blog. You know, if you want to know the crazy thoughts that fall out of my head while we are word warring…:)

Brenda Drake · November 5, 2010 at 11:53 am

Summer – 7k is great for the week. I’m like you, I’ll do more over the weekend. Good luck!

Joanna – Do you have to enter it all into a computer to upload to the NaNo site to win? Oy!

Meredith – I know – it’s hard not to edit while you go but I think this is a great challenge to learn not to do it. The first draft should be crappy, right?

Heather – I didn’t even think about Hershey syrup. That will save next time I forget creamer at the store. LOL

Jodi – I’ll buddy you back and That’s a great idea for a blogfest. I’m in!

Tony – you’re around the same word count as me. I have to read a paragraph or two before I start or I’m like “where was I?” Yay! Good luck!

Shelley – You and Cassandra rock! I read your guys stuff and I feel humble. I couldn’t keep up with you guys if I tried to edit. LOL

Brad Jaeger · November 5, 2010 at 1:44 pm

I broke 9000 today. Some of my buddies are at 16k already. They are crazy. Or machines. Or crazy machines.

Good luck fellow NaNoer!

Mary Mary · November 5, 2010 at 2:01 pm

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with bits of editing here or there. Now, if you’re going back each day to reread and edit before moving on, then may I suggest one thing? Just move on! You can edit when it’s all said and done.

Christopher · November 5, 2010 at 2:14 pm

Actually complain away, i’m getting a slight sadistic thrill watching all of you in blogland toil away at your projects.

I’m kidding but I’m glad to hear you’re on pace!

Len · November 7, 2010 at 3:30 pm

I’m okay with black coffee, love it! 🙂 Hmmm..not doing NaNo but I’m sure you’ll do well! 🙂 All the best!

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