There is only two days left to sign up to win some fabulous edit prizes so click the picture on the sidebar to join the Never-ending Scene Blogfest (or cliffhanger, whatever).
Today’s coffee was a simple out-of-my-own-coffee-pot brand with vanilla creamer. It’s Saturday and everyone is home and we just kind of hang out, run errands, and stuff, hence the not so thrilling coffee choice.
Anyway, I wanted to talk about edits. I received my edits back from CA Marshall a week ago and have been busy working on my revisions. I was going to shelf my finished project. However, after submitting to an editor, and having said editor say that she liked my premise so much that she put it at the top of her pile, but passing because I needed a bit more editing, I decided I should give it a chance. I couldn’t figure out what was wrong with it. I’ve revised and revised until I couldn’t think any longer. That’s when I came across CA Marshall’s site.

I had her do an edit for me. When I got the thing back, it was a hard pill to swallow. I had some issues with dialogue, character development, and scenes that weren’t doing anything but weighing my story down. Working with her edits, I’ve brought my story to a higher level with better developed characters, action scenes that moved the story forward and dialogue that worked.

CA Marshall’s fees won’t break your piggy bank. She’s very professional and delivers her work in the time frame given. So, I’m thrilled to be offering some edit prizes from her to help my writing friends out. And I will definitely be holding another Blogfest to celebrate my blog’s milestones next year with like prizes. 
I’ll be putting up the rules and some other information about the Blogfest tomorrow night.
Well, what are you waiting for? Click on the muscled dude hanging on a cliff in the sidebar to enter the Blogfest!
That’s it. Slurp!
Categories: Misc


Summer Ross · October 23, 2010 at 7:31 pm

When i first put my work out there for other people to edit, it was hard for me to swallow as well. But I’m glad i did, and glad I still do. I’m still figuring out if I can come up with something for your fest- though admittedly I’m not interested in the prizes. I’m more interested in writing for a particular reason and using it as an exercise.

L'Aussie · October 24, 2010 at 12:35 am

This is very encouraging Brenda. How often do we want to throw our work aside feeling it is no use? Great that you hooked up with CA Marshall for edits.

Looking forward to the blogfest..:)

Joanna St. James · October 24, 2010 at 5:06 am

ooohhh am tempted I shall come back tomorrow to decide

Marieke · October 24, 2010 at 6:40 am

Sounds good! Looking forward to the blogfest too! 😀

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